White Tara

Meeting White Tara has transformed me from within. White Tara holds many immense attainments. Wisdoms she mastered throughout her lifetime attaining Joy, Compassion, Love and Equanimity. Her love for all sentient beings knows no bounds as she continues to support all those who wish to know her within themselves.

She comes with the White Ray of purification as the old ways of the shadow are alchemized into beautiful wisdoms that serve the whole.

We came to transcend the old shadows and illuminate from within. We came to serve the whole and we cannot serve from our shadow. We cannot serve shadow to shadow and expect transformation. All states of victimhood and suffering, lack consciousness and separation can be alchemized with precision and dedication, as White Tara can affirm through her own experience.

White Tara’s luminosity gives birth to our altruistic heart and nature. That which we hid from ourselves in the midst of all our woundings inflicted and perceived to be from outside of ourselves. All the wounds from childhood and beyond.

As we gain momentum with the White Tara practice, she reminds me of my own deep and true love for all sentient beings. How as we encompass the whole in all our practices and affirmations we practice as The One, not separated from each other.

We are One as a humanity and as Light and we are one with the Hierarchy, yet much is to be unearthed to bring light to the shadows within and to reawaken our thread of Contact and to devote to this infinity connection with the Divine.

As above so below and again, we remember the weave of infinity which shares and receives. As one makes a silent breakthrough inside, the ripples support others and this momentum moves the whole to create immense change.Together as ONE.

White Tara comes to remind us of our capacity to LOVE, Divine Love. Our ability to radiate total JOY and to share this. Our depth for Compassion like never before as we recover our true care and devotion for each other. We let go of the fear of the small self and embrace the abundance of the All . We move as a whole inside, we are One.

As we begin our journey to master equanimity, like White Tara. Receiving all the mirrors in our reality without judgement, no good or bad, seeing all as a reflection to learn from.

How White Tara guides us to maintain a peaceful heart, acceptance for all the outer reflections and how to stay in absolute peace within. What grace and magnificence she reflects to us!

She is a Master Teacher and the journey continues to unfold.

If you would like to begin your own sacred journey into the centre of White Tara’s Cosmic Heart. We offer White Tara Immersion which is 4 sessions to begin your own inner practice and relationship with White Tara. This begins the inner process of awakening her Cosmic Heart within you and supports you as you begin to accumulate her light within your energy field. She comes with the gift of the white ray. Click on this highlighted paragraff to read about our White Tara Immersion.


The Sacred Temple of the Heart


Becoming the Master in your Own Life.