Becoming the Master in your Own Life.
Our inner journey is always unfolding a new layer of discovery. Through the teachings and community that is assisting me with greater inner alignment has come a wealth of support and abundance and connection to the Hierarchy of Light (Ascended Masters).
We do not have to walk this path alone. In truth we cannot walk this path alone. We need the support of a community, of a light family and the Light. That light comes through the Hierarchy as we become an interweaving link in the thread of contact with the Divine.
Becoming part of that thread means total surrender and a deeper dive inward. You must be willing to unearth all that is held down within you. Only in the excavation of the darkness within can we give birth to the light. Only then do we emerge as our True Christ Selves. The redeemer willing to move into the darkness within oneself to alchemize and become the healer, the overcomer, the master and the teacher.
Only when you face these shadows within yourself can you truly liberate others.
All the great masters moved inward to discover the deepest-rooted patterns and behaviours within themselves. They had the courage to face everything, and they became Masters. They shared their inner mastery with others. They found the path and became the path. They went within and became the way.
They healed inside themselves and created immense ripples within consciousness to activate this light path for others to follow and receive this healing too.
It is the Real Christ Self that enters your depth and obliterates the darkness to return it into Light. All our programs, beliefs, patterns of victimhood and suffering.
As you unearth your Real Christ Self, you emerge victorious from the depth of all your suffering, whole.
You become the Alchemist, the Master, the Enlightened One. When you have entered the depth of yourself and returned.
The light restores, re-aligns and liberates. The light alchemizes all that we once judged, shunned and suffered inside.
Are you ready to move inward and illuminate your shadows?
You do not need to do this alone…