The Sacred Temple of the Heart

Each true chela - student of the Law will be called to awaken their heart. To dive deeper and to trust that all will be revealed. That there is light support to conquer the darkness within and that there are tools of Alchemy to assist with the acceleration of the light transformation.

It calls for determination, strength, courage as well as recognizing the value of your divinity.

It calls for the full surrender of the ego so that the I AM becomes the presiding voice . To be obedient to the I AM alone.

The I AM God Consciousness asks for you to surrender it ALL.

‘Give me everything and I will give you Everything.’

In the very depth of the heart is a Temple. As outer temples and chapels lay redundant it is a reflection of the call to awaken the sacred temple within. These are the divine structures of the Aquarian Age. We become the pillars of wisdom and light and unify through this light into higher commUNITIES.

We do not stand alone, and it is with this awareness that we remain humble as we realise the immensity of the light support in the higher realms guiding us forward.

Our back bone is being infused as the spine become the Hierarchy of Light, the ascended masters and stairway to heaven connecting us with Father Mother God.

Through the teachings of the Sacred Temple, we gain access to this temple within.

We are taken through many doorways and the first door we open is the door of the Temple of Divine Awareness. This is the temple of the yellow ray, and it is here that we begin to dive deeper to discover our True self and God nature.

This awareness awakens us to God-consciousness and brings us to the awareness of the separation of our human mind. The limitless nature of God consciousness and the limitation of our human mind.

We are taken on an inward journey. We are introduced to the very heart of God and offered the opportunity to rest within his heart as he rests within ours. It is an exciting question to ask who contains who and in this question, unfolds the I AM One.

In the very epicenter of your being, as you reside within God’s heart and God rests in your heart..then comes JOY. Joy to create without limits, illumination, all possibilities.. as One in Joy with God.

(We will be offering The Sacred Temple of The Heart Teachings soon here…

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Ascension begins when you are ready to take responsibility for your Karma


White Tara