Ascension begins when you are ready to take responsibility for your Karma

Ascension begins when you are ready to take responsibility for your Karma.

Feel into this for a moment as it holds many keys to awaken you from within.

Until we can acknowledge that we are the creators of our own realities. Until we are ready to look at our mirrors with the neutrality and maturity that is needed, nothing transforms and the chaos and suffering continues.

As we are the creators of our realities, nothing is separate from us. Not that devastating event that is occurring on the other side of the world or the suffering of a neighbor or a family member. We are all connected, and everything is created due to the law of correspondence. What we hold within is created outside.

Family, friends, situations that we experience, our homes and what happens within it, our wider community. Everything is connected. Everything is happening within us first and due to these deep emotions, patterns, beliefs and chaos inside, it all spills outside to be experienced in our outer realities.

It becomes a mirror, it is there to assist us to see, to pay attention, to become still and to realize; “Hold on a minute, what is this thing that I see outside of me that keeps happening and causing an annoyance in my life. Why can’t it go away, why does it keep happening. I just want it to leave me alone.”

These mirrors are a kindness, truly. They are there to wake us up, to make us pay attention because we are not yet going within. We have not yet made the inner realm our solid reality and we use the outer as a mirror to see. We have not yet come to the realisation that all of our outer reality is ME!

The victim is in all of us as we lived for a long time in unconsciousness, separated within ourselves and totally unconscious to this truth.

The victim is a dense body of ego programs and debilitating patterns. Ego /victim thrives in disempowerment. Indeed, it insists you stay in disempowerment, and it will use and manipulate all that it can to keep you in the lower bodies within yourself as this is the ego’s kingdom. These lower bodies are where the ego is King.

If you strive to rise into stillness, and into centeredness. The ego risks losing control of its dominion. Know that it will do all that it can to keep you from rising. Therefore, your WILL needs to become strong. You need to cultivate determination in the face of all adversity because the ego will throw it all at you to reign supreme within you.

You need to master a focus that cannot be disturbed.

The ego will manipulate you like a toy, distract, disempower you, stimulate you with illusions. It will place thoughts to keep you docile, give you great excuses to give up, to not try, to stay with the ego because it is comfortable and it can support you, it can help you like no other.

All the ego can offer is impermanence and unfulfillment as you will be in a continual loop of unsatiable wants, needs and addictive thoughts. You become the bottomless pit that nothing can fulfill.

The ego will always distract you from entering the true Kingdom within.

The ego will encourage you to point the finger, to blame all else. It rules as we choose to remain in ignorance and arrogance, two and the same.  

No need to take responsibility for anything that we see or experience, it is just per change and an unfortunate event.

Complete denial, no responsibility, childishness and impunity. Continual judgement.

All that is created on Earth has a direct connection with you, me, all of us. It exists because it exists within us. Therefore the law of correspondence makes it visible, creates the experience of that very internal frequency within because it is never held accountable. It is never held in question and it is a master manipulator and can justify that it does not even exist within you. Humans are quite something!

Ascension is a process of transformation. This process begins as we are ready to step out of the outer illusion that we have created unconsciously and retreat within. Be ready to surrender and take a deeper look at what lies beneath within us.

It is a deep well of four lower bodies of shadows, and each of us hold this. The victim lives here.

This is why we are called to become waste collectors. We collect the waste that has been accumulated through body speech and mind over eons and lifetimes. The waste collectors are willing to go in and find the waste and alchemize this waste into gold into wisdom into light. The waste collectors/Light bearers transform the victim body into the light body.

To become a luminous being takes dedication and focus and it is the brave souls who are willing to pursue this alchemy from within, relentlessly, that succeed. They are willing to take responsibility for what they now see, they are the creators of their reality and they now choose differently. It is an inner shift from unconsciousness to consciousness. From Victim to Victor. Now you become awakened.

You take responsibility over your own territory, and you clean it up to allow the full restoration of the light to renovate your bodies.

Your vehicle transforms into a luminous temple that transmits and communicates light. This light nurtures, catalyzes, transforms and inspires others. You become a beacon, and we need many beacons to shine as bright as the SUN.

You either create continual waste in all ways and pass this burden of waste forward to your children and their children’s children or you can become a focus of intensified light. The waste stops with you.

The victim continually wastes it’s light and energy spilling it all over the place again and again. Blaming, pointing, judging everyone else for their lack. It is a never ending story of blame and spilling energy over and over, again and again.

Whilst the wise, they step onto the true path of ascension and become devoted, focused and determined to concentrate and multiply this light. Their luminous vessel serves the whole.

Are you Ready to become a Luminous Vessel to serve the Whole?

Below is a powerful Meditation Practice to support your luminous transformation.




The Sacred Temple of the Heart