The Holy Shekinah
The Holy Shekinah Activation
The Shekinah frequencies can be felt and experienced within us. These beautiful and pure frequencies of white light source is an awakening that occurs within our own hearts.
The flutters within the heart are felt like the wings of the dove emerging from within us. Our Gateways are open. We access our Heaven.
It is a space that we come to from within our own sacred heart chambers. This is a feeling, a frequency a whole vibration that we begin to embody and emit outwards from our hearts.
Our whole energy system lights up in shekinah clouds of pinks and purples and lilacs as we connect with our sacredness.
We are holy inside. The veil that we placed there is now being removed. Our hearts decree this as we open wide.
We were hidden from ourselves, for a moment, in order to play here in 3D. As we ascend inside, we access new realms outside. Old Earth transforms into New Earth.
The Shekinah is a level of consciousness beyond the human mind. This frequency for me is connected with the White Mother of purity. A cosmic source level of consciousness. This frequency is closely related to the white flame of purity that is igniting within each heart at this time. Each heart lights up in white and gold and we ignite each other.
The Shekinah is at play here as we come to an inner remembrance of our own sacredness.
The flame ignites our pineal gland to see, to feel to connect with our own inner divinity. We are pure, we are divine light.
The Shekinah is this holy flame, so beautifully represented on Earth by the White Dove.
As Noah searched for signs of life and of land after the floods. The dove came to him with an olive branch in its beak. The dove was sharing a message of purity and peace. A returning to inner innocence. A purity of frequency. One way was ending and another was beginning.
This is what we are igniting within each of us. Remembering the divinity within each and every one of us.
The Shekinah’s light is that which became the divine masculine and divine feminine. The original, before the separation. The Union, the Light. Androgenous in frequency.
A flame of source creation, the purest, undiluted frequency.
This frequency comes through as we access our creator powers as cosmic creators. As we remember the power of connection and access our own divine genius. This genius is our own source. These creations are our own source creations. Creations of the highest echelons of light. Energies of the highest order.
The order of the Seraphim supports in all ways here as we access our inner Shekinah. Playing and creating within the etheric. Imagining our heavens, moving light into action, anchoring.
We are holy light.
The Shekinah is awakening within us to raise our frequencies.
We are holy and we are divine.
Welcome the remembrance of the Shekinah into your own heart.
♥ Lois ♥
Star Being and Ascension Guide