Make Way for the Divine Masculine

So many opportunities available to us now as we continue to up level in our own universe.

I have been navigating a newness within me. Entering a deeper communication with my divine masculine aspect. It has been like entering a new and majestic hallway within myself.

Sitting within the center is the Buddha in golden glory.

This frequency is strong and expansive. It feels safe and secure. Inside there is space to move, to grow and to build.

Over the past few months, so much has been revealed, let go, discovered.

The letting go of the old masculine to make room for the divine to step forth.

Seeing this reflected within my relationships as one relationship comes to an end. The clearing. Leading the way forth for all my relationships to be remastered. My husband, my father, my sons.

Coming back to the inner relationship. Seeing how we now build a new golden space of sacredness. It is a golden structure and scaffolding.

Strong, balanced, and divine.

Now the divine counterpart to my divine feminine can finally move in. Always within. He can now take his seat.

The action that follows the idea. The building from aether to form.

All hands now finally on deck, within.

The true inner marriage beginning.

Now whole. In union.

True and divine.

🍃.•• * 🌸 * ••.🍃

Lois xxx

Ascension Guide and Star Being


The Threefold Flame Online Retreat


The Alpha and the Omega