Andara Crystals; Crystalline Masters of the Heart
Andara Heaven Mandala
When andaras come into your life. It is a signal a marker that you are ready to experience another frequency. A finer frequency of heart awareness, of L O V E.
These master crystals are a consciousness within crystalline form. They come to assist us as we are called to transform. To alchemise first from within our own frequency, that which was dense and held us down in an experience.
Our freedom comes through our frequency. As we come to see ourselves as a vibrating frequency that can, like the andaras, quantum jump into finer frequencies of experience through Love and above frequencies within ourselves.
The andaras are a level of consciousness and frequency that do not lower to meet us in denser frequencies. They are the master teachers who call upon us to level up. For us to open up to meet them as students of the open and loving heart.
They speak through Love. They communicate through the frequencies of higher hertz.
The andara consciousness resides within the bandwidth of LOVE frequency and above. In hertz terms we speak of the the hertz of 500 and above. 555 pure Alchemy within the heart as the heart expand and opens wide.
These frequencies are transformational. They are the gateways into expanded awareness. Into higher consciousness. This awareness opens up within you when you resonate at a finer love frequency.
The Andaras hold this frequency without compromise. They come to assist us as we continue to level up and as we are ready to transcend layers of density.
When we are ready to move into finer frequencies. We can experience finer light frequencies.
They come when you are ready to experience Love as a frequency from within you hence you begin to create from this love that you hold and are from inside.
This is how you transcend your realities from density into finer frequencies. You are the alchemist, the one who takes those inner steps forward to transform your own frequency, transforming your realities.
It is not anyone else’s responsibility. It is your frequency, your reality. You change your reality by changing your inner frequency and you will still be called to take action. The change within your frequency will demand action by you to align your realities as and when you see how.
This is simple yet profound as this is a full body experience. It is an alchemy that occurs within you and within your body and fields, transforming all. Like a drop of water hitting the still surface of a large body of water.
You come to hold this frequency, truly. This is how you come to step into a whole new world and reality to experience in the physical form.
From Aether to Matter
Image:Seventh Seals; Seven Angels, Seven Trumpets
When meditating upon the andaras and asking where and how they came to be. I was shown a beautiful vision. In a way that I could understand.
They showed me how they were the aethers. This heavenly mist. Divine and fine frequencies. Moving like refined smoke creating slow patterns of divinity.
A mist of source frequencies dancing and celebrating as they swayed and moved.
They hold the essence of heaven, of source, of these heavenly aethers. This most divine and heavenly mist of source creation.
They then showed how, with the assistance of the Elohim, they came into form.
From the aethers, their essence captured, and their consciousness brought into denser form.
Masters of aether and matter. Blown into existence through angelic trumpets of gold held by the Elohim. Like glass blowers blowing liquid glass into shapes of all sorts. Much like us as souls into forms.
The andaras were created in their crystalline form yet they are still formless and a constant representation of the formless, of source and of higher consciousness.
They do not grow in the same patterns and shapes as quarts crystals and they are constantly breaking free from being limited by any form at all.
The experience left me feeling that the andaras are an immense gift to humanity. How they hold such fine frequencies and potentialities for our growth.
They are a higher awareness and they hold an immense depth of mastery.
The Crystalline Journey
Crystalline Lotus Heart Activation
My journey with crystals and the crystalline frequencies began truly in childhood. I was drawn to the crystal realms as a young child.
I loved to hold them, to feel them to look at them and later in life participated in an incredible crystal course outside Cardiff with a wonderful and gifted teacher in Kim Dowdell.
I came to feel the crystals deeply and came to inner stand how they work with us. I could hear their frequencies and they would direct me precisely. Where to place them on my own body and on others to assist and support.
Crystals were my whole world until the andaras made an appearance.
Once I met them, I was mesmerised.
It activated an insatiable thirst within me to want them and to know all about them. They had already begun working with me and it took me some time to come to understand what was happening.
Once the andaras came into my life in a tangiable way. They became part of my support light team.
This team may change over time as your frequency requirements change too.
You are in a continual process of involution from inside and the andaras assist and support this inner transformation at each step. This support is part of their divine service too.
The Andaras have their part to play. They support and expand and emanate their frequency to remind you of these frequencies held up inside of you.
They are here to support our ascension as a humanity.
Shekinah and Violet Ray Andaras
The andaras support us and assist us in our own inner growth. Their role is to assits us with the shift into finer and higher consciousness.
They often support the perfect frequency space to introduce us to our multidimensionality through experiences and visions.
They show us what they can do and then they turn to us and say, you can do this too!
They are here to hold us accountable for our frequencies and they demand that we take responsibility and hold the finest frequencies.
For me, I see the role of crystals and andara’s as different. They both play a part on our journey at different stages of our frequency. Supporting and uplifting our vibrations as we evolve on our journey.
Crystals are here to assist with the first phase of our journey as we begin to level up if you will. How our bodies are so dense in the beginning, that crystals are amongst the few light tools that can pierce through effectively.
Crystals assist with the raising of the vibration of the physical body. Assisting us to be able to begin to hold a certain frequency. Each being experiencing differently and designing their journey uniquely.
Crystals therefore play a very important role in the beginning of our journey and are of great assistance in the raising up of our physical body's frequency. From denseness into finer frequencies.
Then, for those who are drawn, because again, they are not going to be for everyone. The Andaras appear.
For me, the andaras come when we are ready to access a greater level of our own divinity. When we are given an opportunity to truly fine tune in frequency and to choose more consciously than before.
Andaras come to us when we are ready to embody soul.
Andaras are not an essential, but they are a beautiful addition and support in our expansion. They will not be seen or felt by everyone and we have all designed this journey perfectly.
Therefore, it is not my way or the highway! We follow and move with our own guidance.
We all come home to our own divinity in our own way. Many will find their own way home. I am just glad that the andaras are part of my journey. They illuminate and bring such beauty and clarity and joy on my pathway.
Crystals have always been part of my life since I was a child. I see the andaras as a continuation of this love for all things crystalline. This has always been with me from the very beginning. Many of us came in with this deeper remembrance of the crystalline fabric and frequency.
This crystalline realm is part of us and therefore crystals, andaras, crystalline technologies and all of these beautiful frequencies were always going to be part of my journey. As they are to many of you too.
Andaras are a finer consciousness, and they work with us to assist us to expand our consciousness also.
Andaras hold the frequencies of the open heart. Christed frequencies and beyond. Multidimensional masters in form.
They even come in the form of a blob of light. They hold no definite structure or pattern. They are literally like crystalline blobs of plasma light. Like gifts of light from the gods.
They invite us to come along with them on a journey of inner discovery. To break down our own limiting beliefs and programs and to see from a finer frequency.
They challenge us to traverse the multiverse within us and to discover our multidimensional and expansive nature.
They are the light pathways; the crystalline breadcrumbs left by godly light beings to light up our way.
The crystalline path of the heart to heaven. Assisting us to access the divine within us.
To recentre to reconnect and to restore our original nature.
To begin to play in our original frequency, beyond distortion and corruption and discordant energy.
They are crystalline guides showing us the way home.
You connect with the andaras when you are ready to begin the process of accessing Christ consciousness from within you. To leave the old behind as your frequency has outgrown it and wishes to move into a finer light reality.
They are a mirror, a marker in a sense on your own journey. Letting you know the frequencies that your Soul is now ready to call forth.
They are asking you to get ready. It is a sign a communication from your soul to you, ‘Come with me’ .
These christed frequencies are the golden frequencies. The consciousness that Jeshua the christ achieved in his lifetime. It is this level of consciousness that your soul is asking you to achieve too. To activate the christ from within you.
Open your Heart
Heart Opening Activation
The andaras come in at this time to show us in softer ways how to open the heart. They show us how to play again and to see beauty and to feel beauty from inside. How to come to be in childlike wonder and the importance of innocence and purity and where to go within yourself to find your love.
They ask us to look at them and let go. To allow the inner activations and alchemy to take play.
This is why andara lovers often take hundreds of pictures of andaras and they take them with them everywhere they go. They become your light team of support and they are very direct once you begin to listen and open to communication with them.
By playing, you are being activated. The frequencies of joy move you easily into LOVE and you begin to feel and be activated by the love that you are. Your heart expands and you melt into bliss.
They come to assist us as we begin the inner journey of opening our hearts.
As we do this, we truly transform. You transcend an old frequency, an old way of living, existing from inside. This old frequency kept on living because your heart was mostly left closed. This is how old realities are perpetuated as we hold the same old frequency and are not willing to change.
The andaras assist us with so much more too as and when we are ready. All naturally and in divine alignment with what we can receive and understand.
There are fear stories and stories of separation around andaras. The word real and not real is banded about a lot in the beginning. This is a process that we all go through. Because the andaras are calling for more presence and insist on your heart opening. They demand more of you.
Andaras call for you to take responsibility and to open up more fully to connect with your own inner guidance. To come to remember that once you are connected inside, heart opened. You can feel and see for yourself what resonates and what does not.
They guide us to strive for deeper connection, deeper communication with your soul. To feel feel feel. To look look look. You will be receiving information, activations from the images of the andaras because they are a consciousness. The image is just a tool of connection a bridge of consciousness connecting with your consciousness.
Our old selves did not want to do this. We would give our power away willingly to others and we would believe others before our own guidance.
This is no longer acceptable as we move into a collective stepping up in frequency.
We are moving into new spaces within ourselves. You are moving into your highest self. We are returning as sovereign beings and as holders of our own divine light.
We are called to grow up in all ways. To take responsibility for our own inner connection. To take time to listen. To follow our own inner guidance. So that we come to a place of deeper connection and deeper communication.
You come to see and feel, you will feel a connection with an andara. They will speak to you, through images in your minds eye or in dream state or they will find a way through to you as you master opening your heart more fully.
This is open heart communication. They are christed in frequency.
They do not come down to lower frequencies. They ask us to come up and meet them. They are master teachers, and they expect their students to open up their hearts to meet and greet them.
We also come to understand that if something does not resonate, there may be a myriad of reasons for this. We do come to feel the difference. We come to fine tune our communication and to feel what is for us and what is not.
Everything is seen through feeling. Once you open your heart and exist from here. Nothing is ever hidden. It is a choice that you make from this new place of seeing and feeling what you wish to experience.
I take many images of andaras on my website because I wish people to play with connecting and feeling them deeply. Yet others may place one image, because this too is enough if you trust your knowing and are connected inside.
You connect with them consciousness to consciousness. You feel them inside.
I use words with the images too to assist those who are searching for guidance and are beginning to tap into their own knowing. I also use words because it brings me joy to express a portion of the andaras messages also.
Yet others may not use words because the andaras are here to level us up in bigger ways. We are returning to our organic ways. We communicate through our frequency and communicate vibrationally.
You can feel and know something deeply. You have your own navigational system that is as efficient, effective and capable as anybody else's.
You have soul, higher self, whatever we wish to call this. You have this just like any other. We are just called to fine tune our connection to this, and to be able to become this more and more.
When the andaras turn up in your world. Let’s just say get ready! You are being given the opportunity to level up in so many ways. They wish to assist you and to journey with you and return you to your masterly ways.
I always get excited when others begin to take an interest in the andaras. Because you know, you can see the opportunity that is being offered. It is the beginning of an incredible journey.
The opportunity to grow, to expand and to come to a greater awakening within yourself. To witness and experience beyond human limitation and comprehension what you are truly capable of.
It is your choice how you proceed, but your soul is guiding you and it is a process of gradually coming to feel and see the difference between the head trying to control and the heart opening up to feel and to communicate it's knowing to you.
Your head will never understand this, but your heart will feel it deeply and recognise this home frequency.
The frequency of christed consciousness is the frequency of LOVE.
The andaras are here to guide you home inwardly. To assist you to become the beacon of light frequency you were always destined to be.
(Deep gratitude to my light teacher Lisa Transcendence Brown who has illuminated so much along the way around the andaras)
L o v e
Ascension Guide and Star Being.
You may be interested in the ‘Andara Foundation Course’ available under courses on this website. This is a recorded video course that you can download that will introduce you to more information about the andaras :)