Ancestors *StarLine Lineage Blessing
Star Ancestors Activation *
You come from the divine. You hold the encodement's of the divine lineage within you. The divine mother, the divine father. They both birthed you. You came here through your human mothers and fathers, representations of the divine mother and the divine father.
You were birthed by both. This is how you came to be here. These lineages come through you and to you directly from source light.
Come dear child of the divine, holy being of divinity. Come to the holy of holies, enter the chambers of your sanctity. You are all that you dream yourself to be. You hold chambers, infinite hallways of possibilities.
You are the divine in form, you came from a divine lineage of sanctity and sacredness. Your holy elders brought forth your codes of inheritance.
They carried the sacred bundles of light for you to embody. We thank them, we receive them. We celebrate them and we feel them.
See your lineage, a holy highway. A light lineage extending back to the very beginning, the inception of light.
This is a divine and holy highway that comes to you, through you. Holy beam a stream of divine light, communication, transformation. This is a holy highway of emblazoned light.
As you connect to this light line, see it moving. Iridescent. Encodement's twinkling, sparkling. Star light of your inheritance.
This comes to you. Now is the time to receive them. To thank them. The carriers of the divine in your lineage. Your holy line, your holy line*age. Connecting you all the way up to your source, you are divine. Your life line.
As you feel this connection, as you link up to this light and life line. Inner highway, higher way, we activate your stair way * your star * way of light and codes of remembrance.
Allow too for the flow of gratitude to move through you. The ancients, your mothers and grandmothers, your fathers and grandfather all blessed. All blessed beings of light.
The most holy lineage of divine intention. They carried codes for you now to embody. To bloom from within you. The Seeders, the elders all came before you to assist you to birth the new.
Now we return such light of gratitude back through your sacred lineage. Your heart is wide open, you hold gratitude for all that has been brought to you.
We respect our mothers our fathers, the carriers of codes. The heart is soft and awakening. We feel all those souls.
The ones who came before us, who came to participate. The carriers of the light codes within our lineage our sacred line of the ages.
We hold the holy and we return this inner key of light and sanctity back through the lineage. Through our own awakening of our divinity, through the holy line. Our life line.
Divine connection, an explosion of inner light moving through our own line. We sanctify, we bless, we return to them such benevolence. Such sacredness. Such gratefulness as we bless the lineage with divine and sacred light. Our deepest love, our deepest gratitude our deepest respect.
This is a blessing to bless our lineage, our life lines with light. To return them all to the light of the most holy and divine. To thank them and respect them and bless them with love.
We came to end all burdens and carrying of all denseness. We lift ourselves out of this and carry each other. We came to clear the trauma and programs and beliefs and stigma. We came to release the old to bless it and to let it go.
We do this together as we came to assist each other. Moving through the lineage with sacred holy fire.
Clearing distortions, programs and all that we took on from each other.
All misalignments, separations, all we adopted.
Beliefs and programming and grief and density.
We bless this, our divine lineage. We bless this body to release all its density. The body of all that comes before us. The body of all its creations.
A true and divine design. This body of ours is holy.
Holy ≈Ω Holy ≈Ω Holy body a true divine design.
We bless this physicality. We bless this holy body. Light returning. Enlightening. We become this light highway, consciously. We move into it and allow the light to purify.
We nourish, feedback our light with a new realisation. To the very source of our inception, to the very beginning of our holy creation.
We return this light of gratitude from the fullness of our open hearts. The sacred space of our deepest gratitude for all that has been endured, suffered in our seeming pasts.
We are grateful for the total sum of our experience. Collectively as a family. Growth, our growing up story.
We thank our ancestors who paved the way. Body by body, body to body. Cosmic umbilical cords.
Imprinting, seeding, potentialities. Wisdom, knowledge, libraries of knowing.
Blessed be our ancestors, the most holy of holies for their service and assistance. We serve them now by blessing our sacred line of connection. Our highway of silver lining that links us up body to body. Our holy life line.
We sanctify the whole lineage right up to its inception, right up to the most holy. The source of your creation.
Thank you ≈ thank you ≈ thank you ≈
Blessed are all the beings who came through our lineage.
Blessed all beings, your light is returning to you.
Thank you ♡ thank you ♡ thank you ♡.
Diolch diolch diolch. Diolch i'r cyndeidiau ac i'r neiniau. Y mamau bendigedig ar tadau. Diolch am bopeth. Rwy’n dychwelyd bendithion yn nˆol drwy’r llinnell yn llawn. Bendith, bendith bendith •♡•
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