Our Akashic Remembrance Returns

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(Wikipedia - Akasha or Akash (Sanskrit ākāśa आकाश) means space or sky or æther in traditional Indian cosmology)

I began my journey through the Akash several months ago as the words Akash and also The Halls of Amenti became ever more frequent 🎵 in my world. 

We are always communicating with our universe and our universe with us. Through messages, words, frequencies. Our realities are always showing us.

There was something new ready to open up within me and it began with a wonderful course to connect deeper with the Akashic Records with Ewelina Bochenska - Cosmicrainbowheart.com.

 I had been speaking aloud for some time, asking to see more and to understand more. The universe always responds. 

During one of my first sessions with our teacher. I came to discover this new arena. This new space of the Akash. How it opened up for me to see and feel and connect and communicate with greater clarity and purity. 

My visions were of a beautiful and ethereal city of structures and light. Crystalline structures and record keepers of information. I was greeted too by a librarian albeit a very futuristic looking being with a strange headset on its head. 

This being was very patient as I was flying around in complete excitement in this new space and this new city of discovery.  

Over the following weeks of attuning more and more and releasing more and more. Accessing teachings and remembrances and visions and coming to experience a merging with my librarian. This being was me, it had always been me and it handed over the headset for me to see. 

This brings me to the realisation that this is and always has been a frequency within us. An access we gain as we attain higher frequency. As we level up and light up and commit to this soul journey. 

These akashic libraries and temples and halls of wisdom. All of this is our remembrance our knowledge and our infinite nature.  

We are the wise ones, the Solomons. The keepers of the knowledge.  

The libraries open up to each one of us from inside as we resonate to soul frequency. Love and greater purity. Moving more into the etheric fields and into our magical DNA and cellular memory.  

It was never outside of us. It was never an elusive place far away from us. Floating in the aethers of a magical library in space.  

You are the aether – body. Your space and cosmos are inside. Your body holds the space of all that your soul beholds and knows of life on Earth and life beyond Earth.  

We gain access through our frequency and the frequency calls for love and purity and integrity to share the knowledge with clarity. 

This continual journey of embodiment. Bringing things inward. Seeing from within and knowing from within us. 

Whilst in meditation I received a beautiful visual of how the Halls of Amenti were accessed within me.  

How I could open them up and access them by moving into the temple of my own field that was located above my crown.  

For me, it was shaped as a simple symbol of the pyramid, a triangle.  The crown, the apex the highest point of my awareness. The coming together of all corners and aspects to gain access and to come to my access point.

The light and knowledge returning. The light and the knowledge returning to all of us as we return in frequency to purity of soul. 

I see too how this was my time. I did not hold the level of integrity or compassion to hold the key to my own library until now. 

How we often move our awareness outside of ourselves. Believing it to be something outside of us. In this case a floating library in space, far away from us. 

Not yet fully appreciating the complexity of our unique and divine design. The multidimensional components that come together to create us as these human beings. 

How in these spiritual circles we are often taught to ground, ground, ground. In many ways out of fear of something bigger, of expansion, of floating, of our soul’s becoming. Fear of our own ascension.

We are souls in a body, light beings floating within a physicality. 

Light headedness – as we are filling up with the light of our soul.  

We are now embodiers not just here for the experience. Transformers, Transcenders.  

Here we reach for the aethers within us. The cosmic consciousness that floats within us and that we embody. We bring it through, we hold it to share it. 

We are the ethereal telecommunicators.The ethereal and divine intelligence translators.  

Your body has been chosen by you and created to be able to transmit and receive these higher codes of intelligence. To birth them through your body so that others can see and feel them too. 

Your body is made of Earth. Your body is the Earther. The Earth Star. These materials of hers are within you naturally and organically. Enabling you to digest, ingest all these higher frequencies. These divine codes of intelligence. To absorb the higher density and to navigate in all new ways. 

The body is the intermediary.

Your body is of Earth and the Aether.

Having experienced too this level of awareness through these Akashic Sessions and readings with others. Coming to see a significant difference in the frequency, in the consciousness that is held here within me.  

How it is much more loving towards others, much more compassionate as it can see more and feel more and inner stand more than I could from my previous level of awareness. 

For me, this in and of itself has been so profound. To open my eyes to the truth and the joy that we can continually expand and gain higher sight and awareness and clarity if we so choose. 

Seeing also more clearly how my ego was at play in my readiness to judge others or where I did not hold compassion for others and therefore my heart was closed. 

Seeing how my previous perspective was so justified and arrogant in its absolute belief that it was right and it was the only way to see a situation or person or reality.  

Yet now, as I open up further to my inner library. I get to see more space for luminosity and my heart feels each soul. Humbling, heart breaking open. Yes, all of this. 

How we also gain access to our earthly experiences but also our deeper cosmic remembrance. Galactic, source libraries, star libraries of knowledge and information and how we can continue on this journey of seeing more and more. 

Ironically, gradually, my human eyes are blurring as my multidimensional sight is coming online. All is divine! The messages of the Norse God Odin and the Graiae in Greek mythology. The inner eye sees everything. How we were blind but now we can see.

Also with each exchange, each reading. Gaining access to see through another soul's frequency. How new visions come through of Atlantis, a futuristic city. Lemurian timelines, Avalon and so many priestesses here again.  The sacred and holy lines.

How these exchanges allow me an opportunity of not only soul to soul connections but also deeper opportunities to see. Complex tapestries of experiences and perspectives and truly seeing how we each are a book in these gigantic star libraries, metaphorically speaking 😊 

You are all stars in this vast cosmic library and It is a true joy for me to connect in this way to see the souls' journey. 

Gaining access to see. We gain access to see from within our own systems. Our access was denied whilst we did not hold this frequency, but now it is granted.

You become the seer. The one who has the inner sight to see. Ascent in vision and perspective. Everything elevates. Ascent vision. Ascension.

If this resonates with you. You are most welcome to connect with me if you wish an Akashic Reading

This has also been recorded as a podcast to use as an audio activation to assist you too - Click on the word to access this Podcast

Lois xxx 


We Are Angelic Beings of Heaven and Earth


Holy Embodiment Body Blessing